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Quixote commentary

CATE:ShareExperiences DATE:2018-02-25 READ:2338

Book review author:Bailuxiao

“MiaoSith,Be brave,No fear of violence,Not to be killed,Who says that the moronism,Erect Hoon in the world,Generous gallant,Extraordinary dust,A lifetime of confusion,The dead really see”

The book,I follow the Middle Ages“knight”A strong step,Knight dream journey in the virtual world Yiqijuechen.。When the sheep were turned into two armies to attack the battle field,The windmill wanton waving“The giant's arm”Swagger before others,He stepped forward,Disregard the cynicism of others,Knight said he used the elegy of paranoid shining spear ringing。

Book,I《hallQuixote》Amazed by his absurd and rational theory,It was doomed for him to break“Pike”But regrets,More admiration of his unyielding will。A long road to life,I am not to contact his knight lustrous and dazzling world of dreams,But it can smell the difficulty.,Courage and perseverance never yield in spite of reverses.。The road of learning is full of ups and downs,But never yield in spite of reverses,Like Quixote with the unyielding strength,We can ride the wind and waves,Go ahead in his own philosophy of life。

 Capital Library Of China  QINGHUANGDAO Library  PANZHIHUA Library  CNR  Ethnic Library Of China 

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