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Trinidad light knife, restructuring rivers and mountains to be epigenetic -- Reading "Sishitongtang"

CATE:ShareExperiences DATE:2018-02-25 READ:2444


Book review author:Peihan

《The fourth world》It's Mr. Lao She's famous book。

The narrative background is the North Ping of the eight years of Anti Japanese War。Full book《Confusion》、《Drag》、《famine》Three,The novel describes the bloody Era,All kinds of people's ups and downs in Peiping lanes Qi family of four generations and lanes in the old、Of vital importance。The novel depicts a citizen of the city, shackled by traditional ideas.,The inner conflict in the life and death of the nation,The awakening and resistance rising in suffering、Negative escape and shameless depravity。A true account of Beiping deformity after the fall of the world,The majority of Japanese civilians depicts the tragic death experience、The shock of the soul and the struggle against it,Portraying a series of vivid figures。The epic display of the Second World War,The great course of anti fascism between the Chinese people and the people of the world。Let's be able to finish the book after reading this book,There is an unyielding belief in the feeling that has been inspired.。

The people of Beiping at this time lived in deep water,Feel it,Mr. Lao She must have written down this history with a heavy heart。Beiping is Mr. Lao She's hometown,He recalls all the things of North Ping when he was young.、people、Every tree and bush,Everything is beautiful,He loves every inch of the land,As if every wind was his breath。Sometimes think of the burning and looting Japanese,The poets have been subjected to eighteen kinds of torture,Still rebellious,Still stare big eyes and wait for the day of Liberation,This shows that Chinese unyielding determination and faith as Xinghuoliaoyuan burning。The book shows the history of the Chinese people's humiliation.,Make people deeply feel the endless disaster that the war brings to the people,Also saw the unyielding will of the wills,This firm will gives the Chinese people a permanent hope。

 We should be thankful that we are born in this age,This is the time of the sweat and sweat of how many people。“Light and shadow of a thousand li knife,Hate burning nine cities。The night of the moon does not return.,There is no peace in the land of flowers。A lumen of silent blood,A wisp of love。As a national disgrace to the body,Mountains and rivers to be epigenetic reforming。”We need to have faith in the future.。

《The fourth world》It is the Chinese version of Homer's epic,Immortal works。

 Capital Library Of China  QINGHUANGDAO Library  PANZHIHUA Library  CNR  Ethnic Library Of China 

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