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Recommend reading "the ordinary world"

CATE:ShareExperiences DATE:2018-02-25 READ:6086

Book review author:Feng Qin Zhao

More than ten years ago,Incidental,From the radio, the novel is broadcasting a novel about the customs of the rural areas of Northern Shaanxi and the people's work life.。A simple language in a Book,The forthright character of the northerners,Deeply attracted me,Let me keep listening。

The book describes the poor land in the rural areas of Northern Shaanxi,The story of brother Sun Shaoan and brother Sun Shaoping。Sun Shaoan worked hard all day,Support my brother to go to the county to read high school。Under the conditions of the social background at that time,The only way out for the rural people to get rid of poverty is to study hard and eat the commodity grain.。Urban hukou has become the dream of many rural youth。The gap between urban and rural educational resources at that time,The proportion of college enrollment is not high,It is difficult for many aspiring young people to dream。A high school graduation exam is not a university,Most people continue to work in agriculture。Luckily Sun Shaoping went to the coal mine to be a worker。Hard work has tempered his will.,He benefited from the knowledge he learned,Pick up a book from the new,Take time to study,Overcome a lot of difficulties,Realizing the dream of changing the destiny of knowledge。Some young people to follow the example of Sun Shaoping has become a successful person。

This is a novel.,The broadcast of the radio station has a storyline,The language of chastity,Let the audience spark their passion for the fate of the characters in the book。A few years ago, it was turned into a TV series,The actors intuitively feel the audience through the lens,In particular, the rural folk customs and local dialects in Northern Shaanxi are more true in TV dramas.,Have a feeling of kindness。

《An ordinary world》It's a book worth reading。The father and son in the book、Brotherhood、The neighbors love warm people。Unfortunately, the untimely death of Lu Yao,But he left us with it《An ordinary world》This masterpiece of the world。We will never forget the sound images left by the works。

 Reading is the accumulation of emotion and knowledge,Let us cultivate reading habits,fond of reading,Read a good book,Do an emotional truth,A person who loves life.。Strive to be simple but not ordinary,Ordinary but not mediocre。

 Capital Library Of China  QINGHUANGDAO Library  PANZHIHUA Library  CNR  Ethnic Library Of China 

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