XiCheng Library NO.1


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Xicheng District first library "collection of Beijing" digital resources community training: Chaoyang nunnery community

CATE:SharingActivities DATE:2018-09-02 READ:2857

To increase community readers' awareness of shared projects and library digital resources.,Improving the utilization rate of digital cultural community,Creating a reading atmosphere for digital resources in Xicheng,8month30day,The first library of Xicheng District is in Chaoyang community, Exhibition Road.,Digital resources training for residents。

Training,The library staff first explained the status of digital resources for community residents.,Then focused on training.“Beijing”Usage of digital resources。In order to facilitate you to operate the computer at home.“Beijing”Series feature films,The staff also explained the basic knowledge of computer operation for you.,Including the use of the mouse.、Browser application、Network connection and other contents。

The first library of Xicheng District organized the training of digital resources.,Let residents not only understand digital resources,Watch it“Beijing”Thematic film,I also learned computer knowledge.,To satisfy everyone's thirst for knowledge.,It also enriched everyone's cultural life.,Won the unanimous praise from readers.。

Xicheng District first library

Social Work Department


 Capital Library Of China  QINGHUANGDAO Library  PANZHIHUA Library  CNR  Ethnic Library Of China 

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