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Sharing Project Xicheng District first center "collection of Beijing" feature film exhibition ended successfully.

CATE:SharingActivities DATE:2018-11-05 READ:2541

10month,Xicheng District first center of Sharing Project3site《Beijing》Thematic film projection,since then,《Beijing》The exhibition of the feature films has come to a successful conclusion.。Exhibition activities since7Since the month,In Xicheng District first library and digital cultural community.172site,Cumulative attraction15000Person time participation。

In addition to the circulation of the public screen in the library hall, the thematic film shows.,The center also organized targeted exhibition activities.,8month7day、9day,The branches were organized separately.“Information technology training camp”The campers and the small readers watched the feature films.,It provides an opportunity for young readers to understand and understand Beijing's culture.。Eve of National Day,The center was organized.“The revolutionary brand of Beijing city in Beijing”Thematic viewing activities,Played for readers.《Walking 54 lines》《From Zhou Shu Ren to Lu Xun》《Sun Zhongshan's footprint in Beijing》Special subjects such as red subjects.,It shows the revolutionary history of Beijing.,Recalling the ancient times,Cherish the memory of the ancestors。

The grass-roots service point has always been an important position for publicity service.,The exhibition activity,The first center in Xicheng District is a digital cultural community.,Using the digital projection facilities of service points to publicize community residents《Beijing》Thematic film。meanwhile,The center also specializes in making a set.《Beijing》Thematic exhibition,Carry out tour activities at various grass-roots service points.,Through the tour、Residents in different communities introduce special films.,Carry forward traditional culture。

The first centre of Xicheng District was held.“Beijing”Series of feature films,It is the use of modern scientific and technological means.,The excellent traditional culture of the place,Presented in a new form.、Inheritance and dissemination,It is a humble effort to carry forward the traditional culture of the Chinese nation.。

Xicheng District first center of Sharing Project


 Capital Library Of China  QINGHUANGDAO Library  PANZHIHUA Library  CNR  Ethnic Library Of China 

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