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Convenient and fast digital reading with resources

CATE:SharingActivities DATE:2018-12-28 READ:2576

12month27day,Sponsored by the first centre of Xicheng District of Shared Engineering“Digital reading is around us”Promotion activities are held in the first floor hall of the First Library of Xicheng District。 

Activity site,The staff displayed the two-dimensional code of Wechat Public Number and Digital Resource Service Wechat Group in the First Library of Xicheng District.,Readers can scan the code on the spot and pay attention to it.,After the attention, the staff will guide us to use all kinds of digital resources under the public number.,Including e-books、Electronic newspapers, etc.,And answer questions for readers。meanwhile,The library will also12It was held on Wechat Public in January.“Reading Traditional Culture Inheritance of Chinese Classics”Online Award-winning Answering Activities“move”Arrived at the scene,adopt“Award-winning Questions and Answers on Traditional Cultural Knowledge”Question board,Readers can directly participate in the awarded questions and answers and receive the corresponding gifts.。

thus,“Digital Reading Experience Week”The curtain of the series of activities came to an end satisfactorily,“Digital Reading Experience Week”Period,The Activity Form of Library through Interactive Experience,Show and recommend digital resources to readers,At the same time of propaganda and promotion,Improve the utilization rate of digital resources,Readers also participate in activities.,Understanding the digital resources service content of the library in the new media platform,Enriched access to knowledge,The activity received unanimous praise from everyone.。

The First Center of Xicheng District of Sharing Project


 Capital Library Of China  QINGHUANGDAO Library  PANZHIHUA Library  CNR  Ethnic Library Of China 

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