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Railway Flying Tiger

CATE:NewMovies DATE:2018-12-29 READ:4697

Railway Flying Tiger Railroad Tigers (2016)

123Minute -type: action / comedy

director:Ding Sheng

To star:Jackie Chan Huang Zi Tao

Plot:1941After the outbreak of the Pacific War in 1997,The Jinpu Railway crossing Shandong Province has become one of the most important strategic transportation routes for Japanese troops in mainland China.。Around Zaozhuang Section of Jinpu Railway,Activating a civilian anti-Japanese guerrilla,This guerrilla group is mainly composed of several railway workers at Zaozhuang Railway Station.,The captain's name is Ma Yuan.,It's the porter of the railway station.。They worked in the railway station occupied and managed by Japanese during the day.,Come out in the evening for secret activities,Using familiarity with railway lines and picking up trains、Special skills in driving trains,Take a small guerrilla unit to contend with a large number of well-equipped regular Japanese troops,It had a very big impact.,Local people have given this team a resounding reputation.,The Railway Flying Tigers。

 Capital Library Of China  QINGHUANGDAO Library  PANZHIHUA Library  CNR  Ethnic Library Of China 

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