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Guess lantern riddles, make the Lantern Festival laugh and celebrate the Spring Festival

CATE:SharingActivities DATE:2019-02-19 READ:2541

2month19day,the Lantern Festival,The last important festival in Chinese Spring Festival customs——The Lantern Festival。In order to better set off the festival atmosphere,Promoting Chinese Traditional Culture,The first center of Xicheng District of the Sharing Project was launched in conjunction with the Children's Reading Room of the First Library of Xicheng District.“Guess lantern riddles Happiness of the Lantern Festival”Lantern Festival theme activities,The event attracted many riddle enthusiasts to participate in it.。

Activities are carefully selected from the library collection of e-books200More traditional lantern riddles for readers to guess and shoot,Contents include crossword puzzles、Animal Puzzle、Idiom riddle, etc.,Guess right2Readers of lantern riddles can exchange for a Lantern Festival“Piggy lantern”。A children's guessing area was set up.,Ready70More Children's Riddles,Make it easier for small readers to participate in activities better。Readers gather in groups to analyze puzzles and riddles.,Or discuss in a low voice,Or thoughtful,Readers who guess the answer,There was a feeling of joy on his face.。

“Guess lantern riddles Happiness of the Lantern Festival”The activity was enthusiastically sought after by readers.,An old gentleman said happily:“It's a great activity.,The riddles worked out well.,Very attractive.,It's also interesting.!”。This time“Guess lantern riddles Happiness of the Lantern Festival”Activities are also a beginning,The first center of Xicheng District of Sharing Project will be in this year“Qingming Festival”、“The Dragon Boat Festival”、“Mid-Autumn Festival”、“Tanabata Festival”、“Double Ninth Festival”Develop special reader activities on traditional festivals,Readers are welcome to participate enthusiastically.,Feel the charm of Chinese traditional festivals together。

The First Center of Xicheng District of Sharing Project

Children's Reading Room of the First Library of Xicheng District


 Capital Library Of China  QINGHUANGDAO Library  PANZHIHUA Library  CNR  Ethnic Library Of China 

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