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Tell the story of the red revolution and celebrate the centennial of the founding of the party

CATE:Lectures DATE:2021-06-27 READ:844

626,,Red theme lecture“——Beijing areaRed stone carvings”,、。

、One of the traditions of commemorating the sages。Beijing is a city with glorious revolutionary tradition,,Stele、、Cliff inscriptions,,The immortal contributions of national independence and liberation and the birth of new China。

,,To readersThis paper introduces the revolutionary stone carvings in Beijing,The red mark of my ancestors,,,inheritRed gene。,It is an important source of great changes in modern Chinese history,On behalf of the Chinese people to create freedom and independence、,Their deeds have also been carved in various kinds of stone。


,express,,、brilliant achievements,、Inherit the revolutionary tradition、,、。

7month12,(Beiguan)Visit the hall on the first floorSponsored by the library and Beijing Stone Carving Art Museum“•——100Life stone carving Exhibition”,,。,Concentrated ExhibitionIn the new democratic revolution period(1919year-1949)north。

Xicheng District Library


 Capital Library Of China  QINGHUANGDAO Library  PANZHIHUA Library  CNR  Ethnic Library Of China 

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