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Cell health lecture in Xitu

CATE:Lectures DATE:2021-07-11 READ:1004

People of all ages may be troubled by diseases,?Which factors interfere with healthplay a pivotal role??,7month8,Urban Library and Taoranting Street Branch,、National registered dietitian Zhang Hui,Commentator“——Cell health”lecture,。

In the lecture,“”,towardsreadersExplained:、Cell damage。Incomplete nutrition、,CytoprotectionLack of active and healthy enzymes and coenzymes will lead to diseases。,,Treatment can lead to decreased cell function,Surgery can cause permanent damage。,Teachers remind readers:Don't try to lose weight,,Make sure you have enough grain every day、、Milk and oil supplement,。


Teacher Zhang's explanation made clear the importance of cell health,——Balanced nutrition、The movement of when、Positive attitude,。

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