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Emerald on the equator -- Indonesia

CATE:Lectures DATE:2021-07-15 READ:985

715,Held by city library“”2021“nicaea ”,——History of Indonesia、。

,Former Indonesian Ambassador,Ambassador to the International Atomic Energy Agency and the United Nations Industrial Development Organization。

,Tell the reader:,World's largest population,Big Archipelago,300Multilingual,,。,Chen DasendIntroduced to:,It belongs to tropical rainforestWaiting,。、Banya、、Netherlands350,1945year817,。lecture,:The two countries have a long history of exchanges,,Now the city of sanbaolong in Indonesia is still reserved。1950413Establishment of diplomatic relations,90yearsThe relationship between the two countries has developed rapidly since 1949,。

,The participants had a cordial interaction,Everyone said that:By listening to Ambassador Chen、,A lot of benefits。

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