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Xitu holds Winter Olympics themed parent-child ice and snow experience activities

CATE:Activities DATE:2021-07-26 READ:925

,“3”call,7month25day,,Baizhifang Street Branch、“spot ”,Ice on Baizhifang Street。

,Full guarantee。,Coach Gong,,The PalaceCoach belt、、VR。


Ice hockey is a national sports ice and snow event with strong historical characteristics of Beijing,“Kick cover fire”,300,,Ice breaking kickball,。,:Curling,,,,Tactical skills,。Skiing learning,、,The children are eager to try,,、stimulate。

,,。,、shapeWinter Olympic theme,Guide readers of all ages to fall in love with ice and snow sports,,,,。

Xicheng District Library


 Capital Library Of China  QINGHUANGDAO Library  PANZHIHUA Library  CNR  Ethnic Library Of China 

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