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Practice waste classification and build a green west city -- Xitu carries out waste classification knowledge publicity activities

CATE:Activities DATE:2021-08-01 READ:870

,Enhance the residents' readers' understanding of the ecological environment,And into the action of building a beautiful West City,727Solstice31day,、Xicheng District Science and Technology Association,The green popular science post station on the first floor was held“  Build a green west city——”。

,There are classified display boards and garbage signature commitment walls outside the station,、study。,RubbishGarbage classification、。,Invited experts to volunteer,Quasi games,。By listening to the explanation,Participate in answering questions、,It deepens readers' understanding of the current situation of garbage siege and resource recycling。


,Xicheng District LibraryIt has created a strong atmosphere for environmental protection and science popularization,,,Use less or no disposable daily necessities,,、、suitable、。

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